Friday 2 November 2012

What Can Yoga Do For You?

Prior to 2012, I had dabbled in yoga - I would participate in a few classes, perhaps take advantage of some “special” and then stop attending for months or even years, however I never really felt the benefits that were always bragged about by dedicated yoga participants.  As time passed my back and shoulder problems did not, contrary to my hope and belief, mellow with age.   In January 2012 I decided to give hot yoga a real try and I joined Moksha Yoga Orleans – after all, what did I have to lose - what I was doing in the past wasn’t showing me any results or benefits!

What struck me when I first joined Moksha Yoga Orleans was the high quality of yoga instructors, each bringing a different style and personality to the classes. This variety in instructors kept the sessions fresh, interesting and challenging. While there is an element of predictability in the Moksha series of poses, there is also a broad scope and opportunity for change and experimentation that each participant can take advantage of. 

Almost a year later, I can confidently say that Moksha Yoga Orleans did not disappoint.  By regularly attending 3 or more times a week my life has seen many improvements.  The heat of the room is excellent for helping muscles relax in preparation for the gentle stretching and twisting that typifies a Moksha Yoga session.  I can also confidently say that my ability to focus and concentrate has greatly improved - not only in the hot room, but also in all aspects of my personal and work life. My mind is definitely less cluttered and I have also discovered more patience, calmness, gentleness and clarity in dealing with both situations and others.   I now feel fitter, calmer and quite frankly – happier!

As for the low back pain and nagging shoulder that have haunted me for years - well, those are mostly a memory now. 

I am proud to say I am a believer in the hot yoga offered by Moksha Yoga Orleans - So, remember your breath, feel the energy of your mind and body, and release yourself to the goodness of the hot yoga offered by Moksha Yoga Orleans.

Post by Michael Wissenz