Sunday 23 September 2012

30 Day Challenge!

30 Day Challenge Begins October 1st – Explore your Potential

Explore your potential and join our 30 Day Challenge beginning October 1st! Cleanse and detoxify your body and establish new healthy habits as you rid yourself of old habits that are not serving you.

You'll feel a transformation as you connect deeper and commit to yourself. Science confirms that it takes 30 days to develop a positive healthy habit and 30 days to drop an unhealthy habit. This is a personal challenge to do one Yoga class 5 times per week and either a 15 minute savasana or a sitting meditation on the other two days of the week.

Completing your own 30 day yoga challenge will require discipline, commitment, focus and sacrifice however, the benefits you reap are huge and include: improved strength and flexibility, deeper sleeps, more energy, focus and concentration and less stress. Complete it, and your name goes into a draw for a one month of FREE yoga at Moksha Yoga Orleans and other prizes such as mats, towels etc... It's only $10 + HST for members and $135 for AutoRenew & Founding Members.

For more information, come and see us at reception.

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