Thursday 26 April 2012

Living Your Moksha

Have you signed up yet?

Want to know more?

Check it out here: Living your Moksha!

And check back here to find out how we are living OUR Moksha - starting May 1st!

Moksha Yoga in Orleans!

We’re so excited to be in YOUR neighbourhood!

Orleans is a great community! It’s true that many residents commute to work in other parts of the city and often feel like all the “good stuff” is located far from where they live. We are so happy to be able to offer yoga classes in your neighbourhood! Since we all know that getting there can be half the battle, it is so much easier when “there” is just a few minutes away (and has free and ample parking!).

We are also happy to have Marilou Richard, RMT and Tanya Manikkam, ND, located right in our studio. And just across the street is a health food store - you don’t have to leave Orleans to have that healthy lifestyle you’ve been searching for!
When you come to Moksha Yoga Orleans, you’ll be greeted by your teacher who will make sure they are aware of any questions or health concerns that you might have. You’re welcome to help yourself to cup of caffeine-free tea and chat with the other Moksha members before your class.

One of the 7 pillars of Moksha yoga is the Sangha - the community of practice. And we believe that is one of the things that will keep you coming back to our studio. We look forward to meeting you!


Wednesday 25 April 2012

Yoga on the Hill with Edith!

Come one! Come all!

Join Edith and Lululemon for an all levels yoga class on Parliament Hill. Rain or shine we'll be there. Bring your mat, water and smiles!

This community building event is F-R-E-E and will continue every Wednesday at 12pm throughout the summer. Come for the experience and show your support.

Can't wait to see you on the mat!

Click here to join!

Thursday 19 April 2012

Why do yoga?

The first thing people say to me when I say that I like yoga is that they could never do it because they are not flexible. But when you start guitar lessons, for example, it’s usually because you don’t know how to play. That’s why you take the lessons!  

More importantly, flexibility is also not the end goal of yoga. The most important part of yoga, in my opinion, is remembering to breathe and staying present for the 60 or 90 minutes that we spend on the mat, even if those are some of the most physically challenging 60 minutes of the day!

Getting to class can often be the most difficult part of the experience, so we honour our effort by committing ourselves to staying present during the class. Whether our feet touch the floor, or if we can go as deep into the pose as the next person is not important. It’s time to be with ourselves and experience the sensations of our bodies as we give it the gift of movement and stillness. (A paradox, yes!)  And, if the mind wanders during that time, we simply acknowledge this fact and go back to our breath.

No flexibility required! That is so much easier than guitar lessons. ;)


Tuesday 17 April 2012

Cleaning up the Capital!

Cleaning up the Capital!

Every year, the snow melts and reveals a layer of garbage left behind by careless revellers, wayward wind gusts and, in one case in our Saturday travels, dutiful buriers!

This Saturday, a group of Moksha Yoga Orleans yoginis targeted Petrie Island Park in Orleans for a scrub down. We came armed with garbage bags, gloves and high spirits and set to work to beautify the park - or at least remove that layer of junk left in the winter’s wake.

The weather was gorgeous for this type of activity - high teens in April in Ottawa is quite a treat. I even got a sunburn on my hands! We split into groups of two and tackled different areas of the park. People mostly watched us curiously, wondering what would drive us to spend such a beautiful morning picking up after other people. One park user thanked my partner and I, however, and I have to say that it felt pretty good to know that our efforts were not going unnoticed.

We found many things in the park that did not belong there. We recycled what we could and threw the rest in the garbage. In one case we found a “buried treasure” of shag carpet and RC colas cans that were from the pre-aluminum era!

As a Moksha yogi or yogini, yoga reaches far beyond the mat. Moksha yoga consists of seven pillars and this embodies the “being green” pilar. Getting up early on a Saturday morning (okay, okay, I have a preschooler, I was already up!) to go clean a park is one of the many ways to share the yogi spirit with the community.

Friday 13 April 2012

Orleans Spring Clean!

Big Spring Clean: April 14 9am-noon!

Show your community pride and join us for our 1st Annual Spring Clean up Day!  Moksha Yoga Orleans invites you to help us put the sparkle back into our community this spring! 
April 14th, 9am-noon. (Rain date-we mean "serious" rain!!!-Apr.21)
Sign up at the front desk.  Come by the studio at 9am and we'll provide collection bags and gloves.  Together we can make a difference in our community!

Your Moksha Yoga Family

Wednesday 11 April 2012

New to Yoga?

New to Yoga? Welcome!!!! We're so excited you found us!!  You'll be able to find many of the answers to your questions by
clicking here.
Our studio has a wonderful Introductory Offer . For $40 you can you try Moksha Yoga for 30 consectutive days...even twice a day if you want to REALLY get your sweat on.  This will allow you to see how fiting yoga into your busy schedule makes  your life and your body feel.. oh so much better. They say, " If you make time for yoga, yoga makes time for you".

Try and arrive at least 15-20 minutes before class.  Arriving early will give you a chance to get changed, talk with your teacher about any concerns or injuries you may have, and get settled in and relaxed before your class.
Ready..... sweat.......GO!!!!!