Thursday 19 April 2012

Why do yoga?

The first thing people say to me when I say that I like yoga is that they could never do it because they are not flexible. But when you start guitar lessons, for example, it’s usually because you don’t know how to play. That’s why you take the lessons!  

More importantly, flexibility is also not the end goal of yoga. The most important part of yoga, in my opinion, is remembering to breathe and staying present for the 60 or 90 minutes that we spend on the mat, even if those are some of the most physically challenging 60 minutes of the day!

Getting to class can often be the most difficult part of the experience, so we honour our effort by committing ourselves to staying present during the class. Whether our feet touch the floor, or if we can go as deep into the pose as the next person is not important. It’s time to be with ourselves and experience the sensations of our bodies as we give it the gift of movement and stillness. (A paradox, yes!)  And, if the mind wanders during that time, we simply acknowledge this fact and go back to our breath.

No flexibility required! That is so much easier than guitar lessons. ;)


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