Tuesday 17 April 2012

Cleaning up the Capital!

Cleaning up the Capital!

Every year, the snow melts and reveals a layer of garbage left behind by careless revellers, wayward wind gusts and, in one case in our Saturday travels, dutiful buriers!

This Saturday, a group of Moksha Yoga Orleans yoginis targeted Petrie Island Park in Orleans for a scrub down. We came armed with garbage bags, gloves and high spirits and set to work to beautify the park - or at least remove that layer of junk left in the winter’s wake.

The weather was gorgeous for this type of activity - high teens in April in Ottawa is quite a treat. I even got a sunburn on my hands! We split into groups of two and tackled different areas of the park. People mostly watched us curiously, wondering what would drive us to spend such a beautiful morning picking up after other people. One park user thanked my partner and I, however, and I have to say that it felt pretty good to know that our efforts were not going unnoticed.

We found many things in the park that did not belong there. We recycled what we could and threw the rest in the garbage. In one case we found a “buried treasure” of shag carpet and RC colas cans that were from the pre-aluminum era!

As a Moksha yogi or yogini, yoga reaches far beyond the mat. Moksha yoga consists of seven pillars and this embodies the “being green” pilar. Getting up early on a Saturday morning (okay, okay, I have a preschooler, I was already up!) to go clean a park is one of the many ways to share the yogi spirit with the community.

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