Wednesday 27 February 2013

Meet Cliff!

I began my yoga practice by taking advantage of the Unlimited Hot Yoga Auto Renew Membership in September, 2012 - and I haven't been able to stay away since. My daughter, who I am proud to say, just this week, achieved her certification as a yoga instructor, brought me downtown in the summer to introduce me to a couple of hot yoga classes and when she went back to school, I timidly started at Moksha Orleans. Although this sounds cliché, I am realizing that this was one of the best decisions I have made.

As the fall came and the cold weather set in, I began to notice a slow but significant physical improvement. Over these initial months, with regular practice and a sounder focus on healthier eating, I was able to lose about 25 pounds and slowly increase my flexibility and general fitness. Since my teenage years, I have suffered, with Osteoarthritis and from the end of my first month of hot yoga, I have been practically pain free - and miraculously, my forehead gets closer to the ground each "child's pose"!

I have also noticed certain positive emotional effects over these past 5 months. I believe that one of the most significant benefits I am experiencing is an increased general feeling of well-being and calm. I have actually had work colleagues comment on how I seem to project a greater sense of personal happiness and contentment; I attribute this directly to my yoga practice. A complimentary effect of both these physical and emotional changes has been a reduction in my blood pressure.

Finally, and I recognize I sound like I am delivering a testimonial :), I confess that I now look forward to going to yoga as often as I can. Everyone at Moksha Orleans is friendly, warm and welcoming, and I enjoying seeing new acquaintances each week and comparing our experiences, both the serene and the frustrating! My next personal goal, although I am learning not to rush my expectations, is to remove the literal element from my "toppling tree pose" - and stay upright without toppling, for the entire pose.

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