Monday 14 January 2013

Oh, those hips!

Recently, I did a Moksha yin class (my favourite class!) with Edith. Life had gotten quite busy since beginning a new program at school, so I’d been a bit out of practice. With all of the life changes, the previous few months had also been quite stressful - not in a bad way - but a lot of adjustment to new routines and and different activities (it had been a long time since I’d had to hand in essays!).

Then December came along, and while it offered a nice break, there were numerous events which made it a very emotional month for many. So, when I walked into Edith’s class I was carrying a lot of emotional baggage along with my towel and mat.

Enter the lunge, in yin “mode” - in other words a pose held for a lot longer than in a typical Moksha sequence. I’ve done this pose and other hip openers in yin classes before. We are often told that we store emotions in our hips, in particular negative emotions such as sadness, and that we shouldn’t be surprised if these emotions arise during our practice. While I’ve experienced anger during hip openers, this time was very different. About a minute in, I could feel myself welling up and soon enough, I was weeping. I hadn’t realized how much emotion I’d been holding.

At the end of class, I told Edit what had happened and she was so excited - I’ve never seen someone so excited that I cried! It was a very good release and made me eager to return to help flush out the holiday stress.

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