Tuesday 29 January 2013

Being Present

You’ve all surely seen the intention tree in the studio. Have you written down your intention? When I was last in the studio, I took a moment to look over the intentions written on the tree. Thinking myself quite clever, I chose, “Be Present” as my intention. Looking at the tree, I realized that my intention was not quite as unique as I had thought. ;) The intention to Be Present is the root of our practice, and one that will benefit us greatly.

Being present opens our minds to understand the world as it truly is - without superimposing our stories on the moment. When we are present in the world, we perceive without bias or prejudice. We may not always enjoy what we perceive, but this is a good thing. We will not hide from negative feelings, but rather we can accept them and take action if necessary. Being present also allows us to live in the positive moments that we sometimes miss.

When we are present, we see the beauty of the falling snow on a winter day; we hear pleasant notes in a friend’s laughter that we’ve never noticed before; we are reminded of why we fell in love with our significant other and do so all over again.

Feeling brave? Share your intentions with us! Let us know how it’s going. We love to hear from you!

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