Friday 29 June 2012

Hot Yoga in the Summer!


1. You don't have to wear sunscreen in the hot room! How great is it that you can break a sweat and not risk getting sunburn?

2. Practicing hot yoga acclimatizes your body to the warmer temperature and therefore doesn't feel as humid or overwhelming when you go outside. This enables you to perform at a higher level when outside in the summer heat.

4. Get that beach body! Hot yoga helps you burn calories, build strength and tone muscles in all the right places so you feel confident in your skin.

3. Limber up! Improve flexibility and mobility for your sports performance like golf, running, and
tennis. Helps to improve your game and endurance while decreasing the chance of being injured!

6. Breathe deeply! Yoga teaches us how to take deeper breaths and breathe properly not only in the hot
room but also off the mat when you are in a stressful situation with your kids or maybe at work.

5. Detoxify from your summer indulgences!

6. Summer usually means more vacation and with that comes more eating and drinking by the poolside. Hot yoga allows the body to flush out those toxins through your sweat.

7. Spend some quality time with yourself! Canadian families spend the most time together during the summer months. So use your practice for you-time to keep yourself inspired all summer long!

8. Keep up your regular practice from the winter months to ensure you don't lose your range of
motion and will keep that amazing blissful yoga feeling every day! The benefits of yoga are the same despite what the weather is like outside.

9. Calms the mind! Summer means being constantly on-the-go for many. Hot yoga is rejuvenating and helps to calm and balance the nervous system so you can live completely in the moment while reducing stress.

10. Practicing hot yoga on a regular basis will encourage you to drink more water throughout the day to stay hydrated. It's proven that drinking water everyday helps you to lose weight, skin looks healthier, regulates body temperature, a natural remedy for headaches, and much more!

Monday 25 June 2012

First time to Moksha Yoga?

You’re planning to come to class for your first time? We’re looking forward to seeing you! People often wonder what to expect during their first class. Here’s a handy list of things to keep in mind!

1. Drink lots of water before your first class - it’s a good idea to increase your hydration a couple of days before the class in order to feel the best during class!

2. Drink water during class - but not too much - your teacher will recommend taking sips at certain points during the class, but we don’t recommend drinking too much. Remember to drink lots after class though!

3. Be mindful of your body’s limits. If you have done yoga before, you will likely feel like you can go much deeper, but be careful not to push too far. It's important to get the basics down!

4. Tell your teacher that you’re new. Your teacher is there to guide you through your practice. Moksha classes are designed to be accessible to beginners and experienced yogis alike - so take a deep breath and know that you are in good hands!

5. Bring a towel for your mat and one to shower afterward. We have towels for rent if you’d like to give them a try before buying.

6. Wear clothes that you don’t mind getting sweaty and that you know you will be comfortable in!       
7. Have FUN!! We thrilled that you’ll be joining us at Moksha Yoga Orleans. If you have any other questions about what to expect at your first class, give us call - we’d be happy to answer!

Picture by Yui Sotozaki

Friday 22 June 2012

Summer Sale! 10 Classes for $110 valid for 10 weeks

Keep on track with your yoga practice and stay in shape for the summer and take advantage of this great summer special. Already have class passes? problem, we can put them on hold for you so that you can also take advantage of this summer special which is available till July 7th only.

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Police Officers & RCMP Practice FREE in July!

To Ottawa Police Officers, civilians working within police stations and RCMP Officers,
in recognition of your commitment and service to our community, Moksha Yoga Orleans would like to offer you FREE YOGA throughout July - that's right, FREE YOGA for the entire month of July!! Simply show up with your ID, yoga mat, towel and re-fillable bottle of water.

Saturday 16 June 2012

Peace - A Lofty Goal?

Serenity comes when you trade expectations for acceptance.
- Unknown

Peace is a fleeting ideal. It is something that everyone hopes to attain, albeit something we must work for.

What if reaching that goal were much easier than we sometimes think it is? Buddha teaches that expectations are the root of suffering. We expect that our body will bend a certain way - it doesn’t, so we feel disappointed. Disappointment is suffering.

If expectation is the root of suffering, removing the expectations allows our minds to be free to enjoy the present moment, uninhibited by concerns of how things should be. The root of peace, must be acceptance of what is.

How do we achieve this acceptance?

The breath. The answer is in the breath. When we take a moment to slow down and examine the moment as is, we will see what a gift that moment truly is. How lucky we are to be able to take the time from our lives to give ourselves a chance to breathe.

When we make the space for our own peace, we open our hearts to the world, sharing this peace with others.

That’s not difficult at all, is it? :) 

Thursday 14 June 2012

SOAR Volleyball!

On June 9th, the Moksha Yoga Orleans team participated in the  SOAR (Support Orleans Area Rotary) volleyball tournament at Petrie Island. It was a beautiful day with lots of sunshine and even more fun! 

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Living Your Moksha - Week 7 - Be Peace

Thank you for sharing what BE PEACE means to you, our Moksha community:

To forgive and forget.

The eye of the storm when there is craziness on the outside, 
be calm on the inside. 

Never quit on ME, believe in ME and my goals and never quit on others. 

Believe in others and give them the world and the benefit of the doubt. 

Don't react so quickly. 

Go placidly amongst the toil and haste. 

Remain calm and compassionate towards all and breathe when it's not easy. 

Nurture your sense of balance and inner peace, then share that with the world. 

Let your inner voice be positive. 

Be kind even to those you don't know. 

Make that voice in your head one of Love. 

Love yourself so that you can love others.

Sunday 10 June 2012

Always Learning

The excitement of learning separates youth from old age. As long as you’re learning, you’re not old.
- Roslyn S Yalow

One of the things that I enjoy most about my yoga practice is that it is fluid. It is always changing. Each class is a completely different experience, even if the poses are exactly the same as the previous class.

Every day we feel a little different – whether it’s more energetic or a little slower, no two practices are identical. Even after (or should I say, especially after?) practicing yoga for over seven years, I still have eureka moments during class where I realize that if I move my foot just a little in that direction, the pose completely changes and becomes a totally different experience.

The more I practice yoga, the more open I become to the idea that there is still so much to learn; the more humble I become. This is an attitude that extends into the rest of my life. As I get older, I realize what the world has to offer and what a great teacher the universe can be.

With yoga as my grounding to my body and mind, I approach life with an heart open to learning lessons that I might otherwise find not find the time for. 

Wednesday 6 June 2012

Living Your Moksha - Week 6 - Live to Learn

Thank you for sharing what LIVE TO LEARN means to you our Moksha Yoga Orleans community:

Try and learn something everyday. 

Be open. doesn't have to be far to be fun. 

Just get back up after you fall. 

Trust your instincts. 

Listen to your breath. 

Ask questions. 

Learn something new everyday. 

Don't be afraid to make mistakes. 

Learn a new language. 

Stop watching television and read instead. 

Try new yoga poses with Moksha. 

With age eomes wisdorn. 

The rnore I learn the more I realize that I don't know. 

Listen to your inner self and you will answer your questions. 

Enjoy this moment...this moment in your life.

Monday 4 June 2012


Karma is very complicated and difficult to define. Its essence is an energy that connects all living things. Basically, the energy that you put out verbally, mentally, or through actions, comes back to you in one way or another.  Karma is the result of a person’s actions and the actions themselves.  It is a Universal principle of cause and effect.  It is about taking responsibility for one’s own actions.  I like to think of it as my tie to other living beings. The push that makes me want to help others without asking for anything in return.

When I practice yoga, I feel more in touch with these feelings. Taking the time to be present and focus on the breath gives me the space to think beyond my own world.

With this space, it is much easier to put ourselves out there and take on situations that otherwise might overwhelm us. For myself, I am quite shy and often opt out of newer situations, especially with people I don’t know. But this week, I participated in a very public event with many spectators - I was part of the yoga Flash Mob! I hope that through sharing my love of yoga, others will come to discover its healing and inspirational qualities. (Video to follow!)

How have you reached out to others this week? 

Lululemon's Yoga on the Hill!

On May 30th, 2012, 508 yoga participants turned out to practice on Parliament Hill. Huge support for Moksha Yoga Orleans and Lululemon. Renée, who taught the class, was assisted by Julie, Edith, Kristen, and Trishia who kindly helped by demonstrating the poses, assisting and taking pictures. You will not want to miss the next one! It was a beautiful day and the energy on the hill was incredible.

Renée guides 508 yoga participants on Parliament Hill. 

The Moksha Yoga Orleans crew!

Sunday 3 June 2012

Charity Class Change


Just a reminder that as of June 1st, 2012, the Charity Classes will be Fridays at 6pm instead of 8pm. The 8pm is now canceled.