Monday 25 June 2012

First time to Moksha Yoga?

You’re planning to come to class for your first time? We’re looking forward to seeing you! People often wonder what to expect during their first class. Here’s a handy list of things to keep in mind!

1. Drink lots of water before your first class - it’s a good idea to increase your hydration a couple of days before the class in order to feel the best during class!

2. Drink water during class - but not too much - your teacher will recommend taking sips at certain points during the class, but we don’t recommend drinking too much. Remember to drink lots after class though!

3. Be mindful of your body’s limits. If you have done yoga before, you will likely feel like you can go much deeper, but be careful not to push too far. It's important to get the basics down!

4. Tell your teacher that you’re new. Your teacher is there to guide you through your practice. Moksha classes are designed to be accessible to beginners and experienced yogis alike - so take a deep breath and know that you are in good hands!

5. Bring a towel for your mat and one to shower afterward. We have towels for rent if you’d like to give them a try before buying.

6. Wear clothes that you don’t mind getting sweaty and that you know you will be comfortable in!       
7. Have FUN!! We thrilled that you’ll be joining us at Moksha Yoga Orleans. If you have any other questions about what to expect at your first class, give us call - we’d be happy to answer!

Picture by Yui Sotozaki

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