Wednesday 13 June 2012

Living Your Moksha - Week 7 - Be Peace

Thank you for sharing what BE PEACE means to you, our Moksha community:

To forgive and forget.

The eye of the storm when there is craziness on the outside, 
be calm on the inside. 

Never quit on ME, believe in ME and my goals and never quit on others. 

Believe in others and give them the world and the benefit of the doubt. 

Don't react so quickly. 

Go placidly amongst the toil and haste. 

Remain calm and compassionate towards all and breathe when it's not easy. 

Nurture your sense of balance and inner peace, then share that with the world. 

Let your inner voice be positive. 

Be kind even to those you don't know. 

Make that voice in your head one of Love. 

Love yourself so that you can love others.

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