Saturday 16 June 2012

Peace - A Lofty Goal?

Serenity comes when you trade expectations for acceptance.
- Unknown

Peace is a fleeting ideal. It is something that everyone hopes to attain, albeit something we must work for.

What if reaching that goal were much easier than we sometimes think it is? Buddha teaches that expectations are the root of suffering. We expect that our body will bend a certain way - it doesn’t, so we feel disappointed. Disappointment is suffering.

If expectation is the root of suffering, removing the expectations allows our minds to be free to enjoy the present moment, uninhibited by concerns of how things should be. The root of peace, must be acceptance of what is.

How do we achieve this acceptance?

The breath. The answer is in the breath. When we take a moment to slow down and examine the moment as is, we will see what a gift that moment truly is. How lucky we are to be able to take the time from our lives to give ourselves a chance to breathe.

When we make the space for our own peace, we open our hearts to the world, sharing this peace with others.

That’s not difficult at all, is it? :) 

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