Sunday 10 June 2012

Always Learning

The excitement of learning separates youth from old age. As long as you’re learning, you’re not old.
- Roslyn S Yalow

One of the things that I enjoy most about my yoga practice is that it is fluid. It is always changing. Each class is a completely different experience, even if the poses are exactly the same as the previous class.

Every day we feel a little different – whether it’s more energetic or a little slower, no two practices are identical. Even after (or should I say, especially after?) practicing yoga for over seven years, I still have eureka moments during class where I realize that if I move my foot just a little in that direction, the pose completely changes and becomes a totally different experience.

The more I practice yoga, the more open I become to the idea that there is still so much to learn; the more humble I become. This is an attitude that extends into the rest of my life. As I get older, I realize what the world has to offer and what a great teacher the universe can be.

With yoga as my grounding to my body and mind, I approach life with an heart open to learning lessons that I might otherwise find not find the time for. 

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