Monday 4 June 2012


Karma is very complicated and difficult to define. Its essence is an energy that connects all living things. Basically, the energy that you put out verbally, mentally, or through actions, comes back to you in one way or another.  Karma is the result of a person’s actions and the actions themselves.  It is a Universal principle of cause and effect.  It is about taking responsibility for one’s own actions.  I like to think of it as my tie to other living beings. The push that makes me want to help others without asking for anything in return.

When I practice yoga, I feel more in touch with these feelings. Taking the time to be present and focus on the breath gives me the space to think beyond my own world.

With this space, it is much easier to put ourselves out there and take on situations that otherwise might overwhelm us. For myself, I am quite shy and often opt out of newer situations, especially with people I don’t know. But this week, I participated in a very public event with many spectators - I was part of the yoga Flash Mob! I hope that through sharing my love of yoga, others will come to discover its healing and inspirational qualities. (Video to follow!)

How have you reached out to others this week? 

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