Sunday 20 May 2012

Healthy Choices, Green Choices

When the Dalai Lama came to Ottawa, he stressed the importance of protecting our environment. In some Zen Buddhist prayers said before eating, a commitment is made to stop global warming. Governments worldwide are starting to recognize the damage that we've done to our planet and are taking steps to try to reverse the effects of exploitation.

What are we doing to help our planet?

In Moksha Yoga, one of our 7 pillars is "live green" and limit our impact on the earth. There are many ways we can do this ranging from a changing a small daily habit to major lifestyle changes.

I find that in coming to yoga, I feel healthier. After an hour of breathing deeply and becoming more in tune with my body, I don’t have any desire to turn to junk food to satisfy my hunger. Junk food, with its packaging and processing, also has a much larger impact on the environment than an apple from a local orchard or local freshly baked bread.

When we feel healthy, we make healthier choices. Doing yoga makes me feel healthier which in turn leads me to make choices that are friendlier for the environment. 

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