Monday 28 May 2012

What is Sangha?

Sangha is a community of people that comes together to support one another in their practice. Moksha Yoga Orleans is special because when you come in, the person greeting you is your teacher. Now that I have been practicing for a few months, when I walk into the studio, I always see someone I know. I recently realized that since I’ve joined this studio, for the first time in a long time, I feel like I am part of a community.

I often come to class early so that I can sit, enjoy some herbal tea, and chat with the teachers. I truly value the fifteen minutes that I spend before class sipping my tea while listening to the buzz around me.

The yoga is amazing and the community, the sangha, is warm and supportive. We are all there for the same love of yoga. Even if you don’t really know someone, you will often receive a kind word of support in the change room because the members of the studio are eager to support each other in their practice.

It’s wonder to practice in such an environment. Sangha support and renewed connection to others is one of the most important reasons I love Moksha yoga so much!

Some of the Moksha Yoga Orleans' sangha! Photo by Alex Mattar

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