Monday 7 May 2012

Living Your Moksha - Week One - Be Healthy!

Have you seen the Living Your Moksha signs around the studio? The check list near the change rooms. Have you checked out the website (, but still aren’t quite sure what the challenge involves?

On Thursday, we kicked off the challenge with a meeting of some of the LYM challengers. We discussed how we are approaching this exciting challenge and some of the steps we have taken already.

Moksha Yoga is based on seven pillars.  The idea of the challenge is to take one of the pillars off the mat for a week. Seven pillars, seven weeks. Each day, do something that embodies the pillar of the week. The first week is Be Healthy.

Each challenger had their own take on this week’s pillar and it was interesting to see the different interpretations of Be Healthy. Some of us wanted to focus on developing more healthy eating habits, while others hoped to say good-bye to some less healthy habits.

We also discussed how being healthy is not always about what we put into our bodies, but also about how we view the world around us. Putting out positive vibes makes us happier and that leads to a healthier lifestyle.

Check in each week to see which pillar we’re focusing on - don’t be shy! Share your ideas with us and the rest of the Moksha Yoga Orleans community! 

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